Increase THC levels in Your homegrown cannabis with these quick tips.
December 21, 2018, 5 min. readLet’s be honest - one of the most important things recreational cannabis growers look for is weed that knocks their socks off. For that to happen, it has to be a pretty potent bud. Well, the good news is that there are a few ways growers can induce higher levels of THC in their plants.
Read on if you want to learn the tips and tricks for increasing THC.
Cannabis growers have an invested interest in the THC level of their final product. Whether they grow commercially or for personal use, the THC level is as important as the color, smell and yield.

Achieving high levels of THC isn’t a matter of luck or just choosing the right strain; Actually, there are things you can do before, during and after the grow that encourage THC production in your plants.
Of course, the right place to start is by choosing a strain that already has high THC levels. The genetics of what you finally decide to grow is probably going to play the biggest role in your final THC levels , if you do everything right, of course.
That being said, most first-time growers don’t achieve the full potential of THC that their plant is capable of, due to simple errors that made during the growing process. For the sake of time, we’ll focus on quick takeaways growers should focus on to maximize the impact of their product.
Before we get started, it is important to understand that most of the THC and other cannabinoids in your buds, contained in its’ sparkly trichomes. HiGrade lets you easily test your bud’s THC levels by snapping a picture using your smartphone and using our mobile app to gauge its potency level.
Genetics is by far the most important aspect when growing. If your strain isn’t quality and hasn’t got the potential of providing high THC levels, you can try as many different techniques as you want — but they probably won’t work
If a strain has a general THC level of 20%, that’s probably as high as it will ever get — even if you’re the most badass grower out there.
Curious about the levels of THC in your bud? The HiGrade kit (Scope & Mobile App) lets you analyze your strain’s potency effortlessly.

Ever wonder why it’s called Weed? One of the reasons is because even if you don’t give it a lot of light, it will still grow. So, the “grow hack” here is to give it ample light. The right lighting will make it bigger, stronger and more powerful.
To increase THC, you can give your plants UV light. To understand what’s behind this tip, let’s do a very basic geography class. When we think about where cannabis grows the best and the strongest, it starts to become quite obvious why lots of UV light helps.

The highest THC Sativas have always discovered around the equator, and the most potent Indica strains have always come from mountains. What do these two places have in common? Of course, they are closer to the sun. These geographical locations have greater exposure to ultraviolet light.
ultraviolet light. A UV light is usually supplemented by the last two weeks of the flowering stage, as a final boost. It’s important to use safety measures when using UV light, such as safety goggles and long-sleeved clothes.
The resin produced by cannabis can also be a protective film against dry weather conditions as well as very wet weather conditions. So, if your plants are feeling threatened by the “climate,” they might be compelled to produce more resinous material and can contribute to higher THC levels in your cannabis plants. Of all these tricks for boosting THC in cannabis mentioned above, the first tip is both the hardest and the most crucial. It is essential to start with a high genetic inclination to maximum levels of THC. Finding those quality seeds, that’s the hard part. Once you have good seeds from a potent strain, your next job is to ensure the healthy growth of your plants. All of the tricks in the world won’t help you if your crop is sick or uncared. Once you have healthy flowering plants, you can give some of these techniques a try. Just remember that there is no quick gimmick to a great harvest, as nothing can replace hard work in the grow room.
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